Library cards are valid for three years and are issued to residents of the Middle Country School District. Expired cards may be renewed for an additional three years and at that time, required ID must be shown again.
A parent (or legal guardian) must show their ID to obtain a card for their children. It is the parent’s decision whether their child will have a children’s card or an adult card.
Proof of residence (ID) is required to obtain or renew a library card, as listed below. If you have questions about obtaining or renewing a library card, please contact the library at 631-585-9393 and ask for the Customer Service department.
Photo ID is required at all times.
MCPL Residents Valid forms:
If photo ID does not have current address, two of the following are required:
If you rent and do not have bills in your name, a photo ID as well as one of the following must be presented as proof:
If you own property in the district, but do not reside in the district, your current tax bill and a photo ID is required to renew your library card. You must also be in good standing at your home library.
If you are a business owner, your current lease and identification with your name are required to renew your library card. Cards will be issued only to persons listed on the lease. You must also be in good standing at your home library.
If you only receive mail at a P.O. BOX, you will need to show a current photo ID as well as a utility bill which states “Service at” your current address.
Click here for information on loan periods and late fees.
The library reserves the right to temporarily suspend library privileges when an item is overdue in excess of 20 days, or the extended use fees exceed $10.00, or charge for lost or damaged materials are not paid. Library privileges will be reinstated when resolution of the problem occurs.
In the event that a patron disagrees with the decision of the circulation supervisor, a request for reconsideration may be submitted to the Library Director. If the patron disagrees with this determination, an appeal may be directed to the Library Board of Trustees.